Deutsche Bunsen-Gesellschaft für physikalische Chemie

About Deutsche Bunsen-Gesellschaft für physikalische Chemie

The German Bunsen Society for Physical Chemistry (DBG) is a non-profit making scientific and technical society based in Frankfurt on Main . It was founded in 1894 under the name of "Deutsche Elektrochemische Gesellschaft" and in 1902 was renamed in honor of the world-famous physic-chemist Robert Bunsen. The DBG is committed to strengthening the relationship between science and technology in the fields of physical chemistry. For this the DBG bring out publications, organizes annual scientific conferences and colloquia, besides awarding various prizes for outstanding scientists and young researchers.

Facts about Deutsche Bunsen-Gesellschaft für physikalische Chemie
  • Industry : Chemistry

Here you will find Deutsche Bunsen-Gesellschaft für physikalische Chemie e.V.