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Search Encyclopedia's Encyclopedia of Chemistry provides articles for 64,557 entries from chemistry, pharmaceutics and material sciences as well as related scientific disciplines.


Rudolf Vrba

Rudolf Vrba Rudolf 'Rudi' Vrba, born Walter Rosenberg (September 11 , 1924 – March 27 , 2006 ), was a professor of pharmacology at the University of British Columbia . He came to public attention in 1944 when, in April that year, he and a friend, Alfréd Wetzler , became the second and third more

Speed of light

Speed of light :"Lightspeed" redirects here. For other uses, see Lightspeed (disambiguation) . :For other uses of "speed of light", see speed of light (disambiguation) The speed of light in a vacuum is an important physical constant denoted by the letter c for constant or the Latin word celerit more

Elias Ashmole

Elias Ashmole , c. 1681, below. Elias Ashmole (23 May 1617 – 18 May 1692 ), the celebrated English antiquary , was a politician , officer of arms , student of astrology and alchemy , and an early speculative Freemason . He supported the royalist side during the English Civil War , and at the more

Chemical warfare

Chemical warfare Chemical warfare involves using the toxic properties of chemical substance s to kill, injure or incapacitate an enemy . Chemical warfare is different from the use of conventional weapon s or nuclear weapon s because the destructive effects of chemical weapons are not primarily du more

Black pepper

Black pepper Black pepper (Piper nigrum) is a flowering vine in the family Piperaceae , cultivated for its fruit , which is usually dried and used as a spice and seasoning . The same fruit is also used to produce white pepper, red/pink pepper, and green pepper. Black pepper is native to South more

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