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Search Encyclopedia's Encyclopedia of Chemistry provides articles for 64,557 entries from chemistry, pharmaceutics and material sciences as well as related scientific disciplines.



Cochineal Cochineal is the name of both crimson or carmine dye and the cochineal insect (Dactylopius coccus), a scale insect in the suborder Sternorrhyncha , from which the dye is derived. There are other species in the genus Dactylopius which can be used to produce cochineal extract, but t more

Rudolf Vrba

Rudolf Vrba Rudolf 'Rudi' Vrba, born Walter Rosenberg (September 11 , 1924 – March 27 , 2006 ), was a professor of pharmacology at the University of British Columbia . He came to public attention in 1944 when, in April that year, he and a friend, Alfréd Wetzler , became the second and third more

Raney nickel

Raney nickel Raney nickel () is a solid catalyst composed of fine grains of a nickel -aluminium alloy , used in many industrial processes. It was developed in 1926 by American engineer Murray Raney Raney, Murray (1927). "Method of producing Finely Divided Nickel ". US Patent 1628190, issued 19 more

DNA repair

DNA repair DNA repair refers to a collection of processes by which a cell identifies and corrects damage to the DNA molecules that encode its genome . In human cells, both normal metabolic activities and environmental factors such as UV light can cause DNA damage, resulting in as many as 1 mil more

Aldol reaction

Aldol reaction The aldol reaction is an important carbon-carbon bond formation reaction in organic chemistry . In its usual form, it involves the nucleophilic addition of a ketone enolate to an aldehyde to form a β-hydroxy ketone, or "aldol" (aldehyde + alcohol), a structural unit foun more

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