Dealing with External Information Sources? It Can Be a Risky Business


Even the Regular Exchange of Protected Content between Colleagues Can Have Legal Consequences

New findings about the impact of pesticide residues might be just as important for your company’s research department as a study about short-chain fatty acids used as a constituent of cosmetics or precursor of fuels.
It’s all necessary information that flows into the work of corporate researchers. And into your teams.
Nevertheless, many falsely believe that they can simply exchange copyrighted content with their colleagues or even store it on their intranet. After all, it’s all within the company walls.
This unauthorised use – whether through ignorance or negligence – has already had unpleasant consequences for companies. It’s better that you let your colleagues know in advance what’s allowed and what isn’t.
The white paper, ‘The 10 most common misunderstandings about copyright’ from RightsDirect describes in straightforward terms what you need to take into account when using publications, what copyright and supposed open access mean and how you can ensure your employees handle content in a responsible way.
In this way, you can pre-emptively avoid non-compliant use of scientific articles, graphics or copies resulting in unwanted consequences for your company.
Download it free of charge here.

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Dealing with External Information Sources? It Can Be a Risky Business

Even the Regular Exchange of Protected Content between Colleagues Can Have Legal Consequences
