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STO-nG basis sets


STO-nG basis sets

STO-nG basis sets are the minimal basis sets, where 'n' represents the number of primitive Gaussian functions comprising a single basis set. For minimal basis sets, the core and valence orbitals are represented by same number primitive Gaussian functions \mathbf \phi_i. For example, an STO-3G basis set for the 1s orbital of H atom is a linear combination of 3 primitive Gaussian functions. It is easy to calculate the energy of an electron in the 1s orbital of H atom represented by STO-nG basis sets. In the following sections, the structure of the STO-nG minimal basis sets are explained with H atom as an example.

STO-1G basis set

\mathbf \psi(1s_H)= \psi_{STO-1G}=c_1\phi_1, where \mathbf c_1 = 1 and \mathbf \phi_1 = \left (\frac{2\alpha_1}{\pi} \right ) ^{0.75}e^{-\alpha_1 r^2}. The optimum value of \mathbf \alpha_1 is the one which gives the minimum value for the Energy of the 1s electron of H atom. The exponent \mathbf \alpha_1 for the STO-1G basis set can be manually derived by equating the derivative of the energy with respect to the exponent to zero.
Thus \mathbf \alpha_1 = \frac{8 Z^2}{9 \pi} = 0.28294212 and for the value \mathbf \alpha_1 = 0.28294212, the energy of the 1s electron of H atom can be calculated as \mathbf -0.42441318 hartree. The expression for the energy of the 1s electron of H atom is a function only of \mathbf c_1, \mathbf \alpha_1 and other fundamental constants such as \mathbf \pi. For convenience, the basis set details can be represented as follows

STO-1G \mathbf \alpha \mathbf c
0.2829421200D+00 1.0000000000D+00

STO-2G basis set

In general an STO-nG basis set is a linear combination of 'n' primitive Gaussian functions. The STO-nG basis sets are usually represented by the exponents and the corresponding coefficients. Thus an STO-2G [Ref. 1] basis set which is a linear combination of 2 primitive Gaussian functions can be represented as follows.

STO-2G \mathbf \alpha \mathbf c
0.1309756377D+01 0.4301284983D+00
0.2331359749D+00 0.6789135305D+00


The exact energy of the 1s electron of H atom is -0.5 hartree. Following table illustrates the increase in accuracy as the number of primitive Gaussian functions increases in the basis set.

Basis set Energy [hartree]
STO-1G -0.424413182
STO-2G -0.454397402
STO-3G -0.466581850
STO-4G -0.469806464
STO-5G -0.470742918
STO-6G -0.471039054

References :


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