About VCI

Verband der Chemischen Industrie e. V. (the German chemical industry association) represents the politico-economic interests of 1,600 German chemical companies and German subsidiaries of foreign enterprises in contacts with politicians, public authorities, other industries, the world of science and the media. VCI represents over 90% of the entire German chemical industry an industry that realised sales nearly € 162 billion in 2006 and employed some 436,000 staff. VCI is domiciled in Frankfurt am Main with liaison offices to the German federal parliament and government in Berlin and the European institutions in Brussels, respectively. In Germany there are 8 VCI regional associations. Numerous VCI member companies are additionally organised in altogether 30 sector groups and sector associations who are, in turn, corporate members of VCI. Association policies are shaped by a presidential council who works in an honorary capacity and the VCI executive management. They are supported by over 40 expert committees.

Facts about VCI
  • Industry : Chemistry

News about VCI

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