About Química Wimer

Quimica Wimer S.A. de C.V. is a 100% mexican company, dedicated to treatment and process of industrial dangerous residues.

Our experience comes from year 1985 till today, we specialize in the treatment of different industrial dangerous residues.

Today we have the following licenses: Environmental registry No. QWIL1512211. Authorization to Recicle Dangerous Residues 15-123-PS-VI-15-2005. Sole Environmental Licency LAU – 09/00142-2000. Authorization to Store Dangerous Residues by SEMARNAT 15-122-PS-II-13-2002

Facts about Química Wimer
  • Focus : Service
  • Industry : Environmental Technology

Product portfolio of Química Wimer

Product portfolio

Industrial cleaning

Here you will find Química Wimer, S.A. de C.V.