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EN 590

EN590 describes the physical properties that all diesel fuel must meet if it is to be sold in the European Union, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland.

It allows the blending of up to 5% Biodiesel with 'conventional' diesel - a 95/5 mix, also called BD5. In some countries such as France, all diesel sold routinely contains this 95/5 mix.

Generally applicable requirements and test methods

Property Unit lower limit upper limit Test-Method
Cetane number 51,0 - EN ISO 5165
Cetane index 46,0 - EN ISO 4264
Density at 15°C kg/m³ 820 845 EN ISO 3675, EN ISO 12185
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons %(m/m) - 11 EN ISO 12916
Sulphur content mg/kg - 350 (until 2004-12-31) or 50,0 EN ISO 20846, EN ISO 20847, EN ISO 20884
10,0 (on the 01-01-2009)EN ISO 20846, EN ISO 20884
Flash point °C Above 55 - EN ISO 2719
Carbon residue (on 10% distillaiton residue)%m/m - 0,30 EN ISO 10370
Ash content % (m/m) - 0,01 EN ISO 6245
Water content mg/kg - 200 EN ISO 12937
Total contamination mg/kg - 24 EN ISO 12662
Copper strip corrosion (3 hours at 50 °C) rating Class 1 Class 1 EN ISO 2160
Oxidation Stability g/m3 - 25 EN ISO 12205
Lubricity, corrected wear scar diameter (wsd 1,4) at 60 °C μm - 460 EN ISO1 2156-1
Viscosity at 40 °C mm2/s 2,00 4,50 EN ISO 3104
Distillation recovered at 250 °C, 350 °C %V/V 85 <65 EN ISO 3405
95%(V/V) recovered at °C - 360
Fatty acid methyl ester content % (V/V) - 5 EN 14078

See also

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "EN_590". A list of authors is available in Wikipedia.
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