Precise filtration made easy with Anopore inorganic membranes
High pore density and narrow pore size distribution make it an extremely precise membrane
Extremely low protein binding minimizes sample loss
Virtually transparent when wet, making it suitable for microscopy studies

The aluminum oxide filter membrane that can increase the purity or yield of your analyte
Has a precise, nondeformable honeycomb pore structure with no lateral crossover between individual pores. Anopore membranes filter at precisely the stated cut-off, allowing no larger sized particles to pass through the membrane. Composed of a high-purity alumina matrix that is manufactured electrochemically, the hydrophilic membrane exhibits low protein binding, is nontoxic, and supports cellular growth.
The precise pore structure and narrow pore size distribution of the membrane ensure a high level of particle removal efficiency. Microorganisms and particulate material are captured on the surface of the membrane for subsequent analysis by light or electron microscopy. When wet, the membrane is virtually transparent, so retained particles do not need to be transferred to another surface before microscopic examination.
Anopore is available in pore sizes: 0.02 μm, 0.1 μm and 0.2 μm, and diameters: 13 mm, 25 mm and 47 mm. Select from unsupported or peripherally bonded to an annular polypropylene ring for ease of handling (except 13 mm).

Pore structure of an Anopore™ filter

Anodisc™ circle without support ring

Anodisc™ circle with support ring
Request information about Anopore™ now

Filter membranes: Anopore™
Precise filtration made easy with Anopore inorganic membranes