Reference 620
Potentiostat / Galvanostat / ZRA with maximum sensitivity and minimum noise for pioneering research

Discover the latest innovation in the Reference 600 series - the Reference 620. With 20-bit analog to digital conversion, it gains a decade of additional sensitivity. This makes it the ideal choice for demanding basic research applications.
The Reference 620 potentiostat/galvanostat/ZRA offers impressive performance: fast response times, a wide current measurement range, low noise and high sensitivity. It is extremely versatile and easy to use, and fits a wide range of electrochemical cells.
With the Reference 620, you can measure with errors less than 1%, depending on the impedance of the sample and frequency range. It has fast rise times of less than 250 ns and can record potential, current and an additional measurement input with a high data density of up to 3.3 µs between 2 data points. This allows impressive theoretical scan rates of 1,200 V/s for cyclic voltammograms.
Noise and hum in the Reference 620 is specified at less than 2 µV rms and can be further reduced by oversampling. With 11 current measurement ranges from 600 mA to 60 pA and x10 and x100 gain levels built in, it offers current measurement over 13 decades, with 600 fA resolution in the lowest range.
Typical application fields are e.g. measurements on high impedance coatings or also the ranges
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Electrochemical systems: Reference 620
Potentiostat / Galvanostat / ZRA with maximum sensitivity and minimum noise for pioneering research