
Electron diffractometer:

XtaLAB Synergy-ED

The World’s First Dedicated Electron Diffractometer for MicroED Research

Rigaku Europe SE

  • User-Friendly: Designed for crystallographers—no microscopy experience required.
  • 3D Structure Determination: Directly analyze submicron crystal structures.
  • Integrated Software: Control, sample screening, data collection, and processing in CrysAlisPro.
  • Advanced Detection: Equipped with Rigaku’s HyPix-ED, a single-electron-sensitive detector.
  • Stable Electron Beams: JEOL’s technology ensures stable electron beam generation at 200 kV.
  • Versatile Environments: Supports cryo-transfer, heating, and gas cell sample setups.

The XtaLAB Synergy-ED is the world’s first dedicated diffractometer for 3D ED/MicroED developed in collaboration with Rigaku and JEOL. This groundbreaking technology enables the study of crystals as small as tens of nanometers, expanding research possibilities beyond traditional single-crystal X-ray diffraction (SC-XRD), which typically requires samples larger than 1 µm.

3D ED/MicroED allows for rapid structure elucidation, reducing the time needed to gather evidence for challenging structures from hours or days to just minutes.

The compact design of the XtaLAB Synergy-ED allows it to be located in laboratories alongside SC-XRD instruments, adding an excellent complimentary technique to every crystallographic facility. Familiarity with Rigaku’s CrysAlisPro will allow crystallographers to adapt quicky to the XtaLAB Synergy-ED, as it uses the same intuitive platform. The fully integrated system provices a seamless workflow from data collection to to three-dimensional molecular structure determination. AutoChem is fully integrated for fast, automated structure solution and refinement during data collection, optimizing. productivity.


Request information about XtaLAB Synergy-ED now

Electron diffractometer: XtaLAB Synergy-ED

The World’s First Dedicated Electron Diffractometer for MicroED Research

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