Choosing a Portable Raman Spectrometer

Wasatch Photonics, Inc.

What factors are important to consider, and why Wasatch?

A good portable Raman spectrometer bridges the gap in performance, capability, and size between handheld and benchtop Raman spectroscopy. It enables new point-of-use applications in medicine and industry by providing high sensitivity and dependable answers in a compact,cost-effective footprint. These qualities are important to both researchers and OEM instrument developers, particularly for applied research and commercialization of new technologies. Medical diagnostics, environmental monitoring, & quality and process control in the food chain, energy industry, & manufacturing are all beginning to harness the power of portable Raman spectrometers to provide sensitive and specific answers to difficult questions.At Wasatch Photonics, we share your goals. Like you, we want to see the full power and potential of Raman used to save lives, protect our environment, keep our families safe, and improve the world around us. We want ‘next generation’ to happen in our generation, by providing a line of world-class portable Raman spectrometers that allow research to become reality.

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Choosing a Portable Raman Spectrometer

What factors are important to consider, and why Wasatch?

Wasatch Photonics, Inc.
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