Association of Analytical Communities Research Institute

About Association of Analytical Communities Research Institute

AOAC INTERNATIONAL is a globally recognized, 501(c)3, independent, not-for-profit association founded in 1884. To attain its vision of “worldwide confidence in analytical results,” AOAC serves communities of the analytical sciences by providing the tools and processes necessary to develop voluntary consensus standards or technical standards through stakeholder consensus and working groups in which the fit-for-purpose and method performance criteria are established and fully documented. AOAC provides a science-based solution and its Official Methods of Analysis gives defensibility, credibility, and confidence in decision-making. AOAC Official MethodsSM are accepted and recognized worldwide. AOAC has become a very valuable tool to government and industry as public and private sectors have seen the need to work more closely with each other.

Facts about Association of Analytical Communities Research Institute
  • Industry : Laboratory analysis / Laboratory measurement technology

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