About nanoproofed

We support industry, commerce, craft and about our sales partners also private customers with the long-lasting nanotechnical surface sealing of the most different materials. As experts in this area and internationally active producer of nanotechnical sealing we concentrate our activity main focuses upon the following ranges:

- We consult you in the application possibility of the products. - We consult you in the product choice for your sealing concern. - We consult you by the integration of the sealing technology in your production trial. - We offer you the sales of the products to own application. - We recruit sales partner (wholesaler and retailer) worldwide.

Our product range encloses the products offered in the shop for final consumers as well as sealing products that are conceived by a little more complex application (as for example thermal fixation) especially for commercial targets. These products are extremely loadable and show the optimum of that what is available today in the nanotechnical sealing. Contact us, we consult you with pleasure.

Facts about nanoproofed
  • Industry : Chemistry

Product portfolio of nanoproofed

Here you will find nanoproofed® GbR