AnalytiChem Holding GmbH
About AnalytiChem
AnalytiChem Holding GmbH was formed in 2021, beginning a journey to create a global family of companies providing quality control products and services. These include both off the shelf and customisable chemicals, high-quality standards, certified reference materials, laboratory and analytical equipment.
Today we employ over 500 staff globally and generate a worldwide turnover in the tripe-digit million euro range. We are committed to further grow our organisation through investment in our talent, scientific expertise, technology and future acquisitions.
As we continue to develop and expand our global network of companies, we aim to supply our products and technologies across our group, serving both large and small companies, providing world class logistics, customer service and product support. We enable your science.
- Founding: 2021
- Focus : Manufacturer
- Employees: 501-1,000
- Industry : Chemistry