The very beginning of the company DETA could be dated back to the year 1960. That is when the R&D center in Rakona Rakovník became R&D of the fat industry (VÚTP). Oriented mainly at researching new receipts and manufacturing technology of washing, cleaning and disinfecting products that were manufactured in the fat industry factories in CZ. Those were besides Rakona also Milo – Olomouc, Palma – Bratislava, Nové Mìsto and Šenkvice, STZ – Ústí n.Labem, Vitana – Byšice and Pardubice, Povltavské tukové závody – Nelahozeves. Other tasks of this R&D center were solving the government orders of similar field and coordination of some R&D within the former “Eastern block”. After the fall of the regime we managed to contact even some western companies and apply our patents abroad. In 1991 the “Fat industry” finished all activities. The contacts and departments have fell apart and each of them became an independent company with given manufacturing program. Slowly the VÚTP in Rakovník has also begun to be liquidated. At that point this R&D center had already 55 very specialized employees.

Facts about DETA - VUSCH
  • Focus : Manufacturer
  • Industry : Chemistry

Product portfolio of DETA - VUSCH

Product portfolio

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