About J & M Analytik

For over 15 years we develop and supply spectrometers for the UV to NIR range and permit highest possible flexibility by innovatice light conducture technology. For each project we work out a concept in dialogue with our business partners in which the technical and economically is co-ordinated

Facts about J & M Analytik
  • Focus : Manufacturer
  • Employees: 11-50
  • Industry : Laboratory analysis / Laboratory measurement technology

Product portfolio of J & M Analytik

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Topic world UV/Vis spectroscopy

UV/Vis spectroscopy is a powerful tool in analytics. It uses the ultraviolet and visible light spectrum to measure the absorption of molecules, providing insights into their structure and concentration. Whether determining protein concentrations, characterizing compounds or monitoring chemical reactions, UV/Vis spectroscopy provides accurate and reproducible data.

2 products
3 whitepaper
1 brochures
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Topic world UV/Vis spectroscopy

Topic world UV/Vis spectroscopy

UV/Vis spectroscopy is a powerful tool in analytics. It uses the ultraviolet and visible light spectrum to measure the absorption of molecules, providing insights into their structure and concentration. Whether determining protein concentrations, characterizing compounds or monitoring chemical reactions, UV/Vis spectroscopy provides accurate and reproducible data.

2 products
3 whitepaper
1 brochures

Topic World Spectroscopy

Investigation with spectroscopy gives us unique insights into the composition and structure of materials. From UV-Vis spectroscopy to infrared and Raman spectroscopy to fluorescence and atomic absorption spectroscopy, spectroscopy offers us a wide range of analytical techniques to precisely characterize substances. Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of spectroscopy!

70+ products
40+ whitepaper
60+ brochures
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Topic World Spectroscopy

Topic World Spectroscopy

Investigation with spectroscopy gives us unique insights into the composition and structure of materials. From UV-Vis spectroscopy to infrared and Raman spectroscopy to fluorescence and atomic absorption spectroscopy, spectroscopy offers us a wide range of analytical techniques to precisely characterize substances. Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of spectroscopy!

70+ products
40+ whitepaper
60+ brochures