Clariant installs additional capacity at its emulsion plant in Argentina

10-Jun-2011 - Argentina

Clariant has scaled-up production capacity for its Mowilith® emulsions by 35%. The additional capacity is especially intended for its wide-ranging line of copolymers and terpolymers.

The investment will also enable the unit to enhance its portfolio with new products offering commercial and technical benefits for customers. Clariant will incorporate into its production, among others, a line of elastomeric terpolymers and new alternatives for emulsions to solvent varnishes and enamels.

“The introduction of our new products, with their commercial and technical benefits, will support our customers in both expanding their current business activities and in exploring new areas", highlights the director and global head of Business Unit Emulsions, Sven Schultheis. “Clariant is one of the companies with the greatest versatility on the market to produce emulsions obtained from a variety of monomer systems. We have a strong tradition in this business: under the Mowilith® brand, we have been creating innovative emulsions for almost one hundred years”, said the executive.

"Market demand has been growing constantly and Clariant is committed to keeping up with this growth, providing its customers with customized solutions supported by our global Research & Development network", said Guillermo Bruno, Business Unit Emulsions Manager for Clariant Argentina. He also says that the expansion, besides meeting the domestic demand, will also benefit Uruguay and Paraguay markets, which are served by this industrial plant.

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