Air Products Expands LNG Heat Exchanger Manufacturing in Florida

30-Jul-2012 - USA

In order to stay ahead of the increasing demand for Air Products’ world leading liquefied natural gas (LNG) technology and equipment, the company announced plans to expand its LNG heat exchanger manufacturing capacity by constructing a second manufacturing facility at a new location in Manatee County, Florida. This location’s ready access to port services will facilitate global shipping of this very large equipment and also allow Air Products to manufacture even larger LNG heat exchangers demanded by the market.

“The number of potential LNG projects in the pipeline is at an all-time high due to the strong demand for cleaner fuels in growing economies worldwide. Additionally, several of the projects on the horizon will require the largest heat exchangers we have ever built and the new location does not face the same shipping constraints of our current location,” said Jim Solomon, director - LNG at Air Products. “We believe the site we have selected in Florida offers exactly what we need. The new facility will be built at a deepwater port location with the flexibility to produce our LNG offerings without any physical shipping restrictions.” The new 300,000 square foot LNG manufacturing facility, which will employ approximately 250 employees in a four year ramp-up period, is to be complete and begin operations in late 2013.

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