Kaj Jansson new head of Kemira's Oulu Research Center


M.Sc. (Eng.) Kaj Jansson, age 45, has been appointed as Vice President of Kemira's Oulu Research Center as from November 1, 2007. The former head of the center, Timo Kenakkala, has been appointed as Deputy Mayor of the city of Oulu.

Kaj Jansson has been working for Kemira since 1994. He has worked as researcher and product application manager in Kemira Pulp&Paper business area. Currently he is working as technology manager in Kemira's corporate R&D, water treatment.

Kemira's Oulu Research Center specializes in water treatment. In addition to the research center Kemira has a plant and a water treatment competence center in Oulu. Kemira's Oulu Research Center concentrates on customer applications that are tightly linked to business, tells Kaj Jansson.

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