Rohm and Haas Powder Coatings announces changes in Spain

03-Apr-2009 - Spain

Rohm and Haas announced plans to exit its current powder coating production site at Castellón and build a new and smaller facility in the same area. This transition will occur throughout the rest of 2009 and into 2010.

This will replace the existing facility and reflects the company’s continued drive for customer excellence in terms of rapid product development and turnaround of made to order products, in addition to their already extensive made to stock Claymore™ range of 800 products, which was introduced last year across all of Europe.

Xavier Susterac General Manager Europe for Powder Coatings states “Despite the challenges of the current economic climate, through the introduction of our pan-European Fast-Track development model and the re-engineering of our manufacturing footprint, we are demonstrating our commitment to the very important Spanish powder coatings market. This new set up will be less extensive than our current site, reflecting the new dynamics of the Spanish market, however it will enable us to offer excellent service to our customers and to remain very competitive by reducing our manufacturing costs.”

He continues “This is just one part of the picture, in the coming months more announcements on the introduction of our development of innovative powder coatings will be communicated. The first of these will be our new polyester platform Xtra-Corr™ for enhanced corrosion protection, with more to follow through 2009.”

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