Near Infrared (NIR) spectrometer for process monitoring
Shed Light on Your Manufacturing Process: Optimized Quality Control using NIR Spectroscopy

Process analytics using near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy help to make the most of raw materials, to improve product quality and to avoid defective products being manufactured. Process spectroscopy with fiber-coupled measuring units enable high-quality, cost-effective and convenient solutions for fast and reproducible quality control directly within an ongoing process.
In addition to ensuring consistent product quality, this also helps to monitor and optimize production processes.
Measuring units for contactless measurements of conveyor belt applications as well as contact heads for direct measurements in process reactors, storage vessels and pipelines provide maximum flexibility for applications.
Its optional multiplexer to control up to 6 measuring points, its data management system with analysis software and process interfaces and its user-friendly, graphical interface make Polytec’s process spectrometer an indispensable component of 24/7 process monitoring.
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NIR spectrometers: Near Infrared (NIR) spectrometer for process monitoring
Shed Light on Your Manufacturing Process: Optimized Quality Control using NIR Spectroscopy