How to Analyze Sulfur and Trace Element Content in FAME

Fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) in automotive fuels, mostly derived from vegetable oil, is currently blended with regular diesel fuel in predetermined ranges. These vegetable-based fuels can be derived from several sources: fresh vegetable oil, used vegetable oil, or reprocessed vegetable oil. Therefore, an elemental analysis of the pure FAME in each of these sources is required as well as an analysis of the biofuel blend to show compliance with actual regulations and standards. Consequently, processors of FAME monitor and test their products to ensure quality and conformance to standards prior to distribution.
This report describes a quick, economic approach to process control for this application using an advanced, next generation ED-XRF instrument. ED-XRF is characterized by relatively simple sample prep, ease of use, and excellent precision either at line or in the lab.
The report includes test results for sulfur and trace element content in a variety of samples.
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How to Analyze Sulfur and Trace Element Content in FAME