Becker & Rosenthal & Co. Apparate-, Behälter- und Rohrleitungsbau GmbH

About Becker & Rosenthal

75 years are to the most of us a manageable period of time. 1941 was war, it all began with the almost 50 year old boiler maker, Heinrich Becker, a field forge and all necessary tools to repair a locomotiv, boiler and machines. Purchasers were sawmills, creameries, "Basaltwerke", industrial firms a.o. - , even everywhere exhalation was needed as energy resource. In the latest years of war the cooperation had to work for the army. After the war and depending on the new owner, welding master Karl Rosenthal, the field of work of the cooperation got increasead.

Facts about Becker & Rosenthal
  • Focus : Manufacturer
  • Industry : Production technology

Product portfolio of Becker & Rosenthal

Here you will find Becker & Rosenthal & Co. Apparate-, Behälter- und Rohrleitungsbau GmbH