Air Liquide: Two new hydrogen filling stations in Korea

08-Dec-2009 - Korea, Republic of (South Korea)

Air Liquide has just been chosen to supply two new hydrogen filling stations in Korea, designed and developed by the Group's Advanced Technologies teams.

The first station, which will supply hydrogen at a pressure of 350 bars, will be delivered in the first quarter of 2010 for the government demonstration project, led by the automobile manufacturer Hyundai Motors. It will be installed within the Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER), located on Jeju island. The KIER, a research and development institute for renewable energy, is one of the beneficiaries of the South-Korean government's national plan to promote the development of hydrogen energy. This station will supply the new fuel cell vehicle developed by Hyundai Motors.

The second station will be delivered in the second quarter of 2010 to the Korea Automobile Testing & Research Institute (KATRI). It will include dual pressure technology developed by Air Liquide for the different types of fuel cell vehicles. It will be used to fuel a bus at a pressure of 350 bars and various cars at pressures of 350 and 700 bars. The station will be installed close to the KATRI Gyeonggi-do race track, used for testing and research to improve vehicle safety.

Based on Air Liquide's patented technologies, these hydrogen filling stations enable vehicles to fill up in less than 5 minutes in the same conditions as traditional fuels, for a driving range that can reach up to 500 kilometers for some vehicles.

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