Enamine Extends Collaboration with UkrOrgSynthesis

20-Apr-2012 - Ukraine

Enamine Ltd., a chemical company providing screening services and compounds, and UkrOrgSynthesis Ltd (UORSY), a leading supplier of chemical building blocks and compounds for high-throughput screening, announced they have signed a collaboration agreement to offer chemical building blocks to the drug discovery industry.

According to the terms of the agreement, UORSY products are now obtainable through Enamine, and up-to-date catalogues of in-stock and tangible building blocks from both companies are available from both Enamine and UORSY. Enamine is now able to act as a single point of contact for requests from both catalogues, at no extra cost to customers.

Michael Bossert, Business Development Director, said “We are confident that the collaboration extension will enable us to offer enhanced customer service, and improve the day-to-day selection, ordering and purchasing process for clients. We hope that this will result in a significant increase in market share for both Enamine and UORSY.” He continued, “Enamine and UORSY have been working together in the design of building blocks for several years, and the extension of the collaboration for provision of logistical support from Enamine is a natural step in the business relationship.”

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