Agilent Technologies Opens New X-ray Diffraction Manufacturing Facility in Wroclaw, Poland

21-Nov-2012 - Poland

Agilent Technologies Inc. announced it has opened a new X-ray diffraction manufacturing facility in Wrocław, Poland. The state-of-the-art facility gives Agilent significantly greater manufacturing capacity and enhanced R&D capabilities compared with the company’s old facility. The new site has been designed specifically for the production of Agilent’s expanding range of products for single-crystal X-ray diffraction.

“We have been looking forward to relocating to a larger, custom-designed facility for some time,” said Zdzisław Bober, country manager for Agilent Poland. “The building provides enhanced facilities for product development and manufacturing, and also provides a greatly enhanced working environment for all local employees. The space has been designed to comply with the strictest X-ray safety requirements, and this enables us to work more easily with higher intensity X-ray equipment.”

Single-crystal X-ray diffraction systems are used for routine analytical chemistry and challenging small molecule and protein diffraction studies. The new facility is located only a few kilometers from Agilent’s previous Wroclaw location, which the business has been steadily outgrowing as part of the Varian acquisition in 2010.

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