Photo competition 'Fascination Laboratory' - the winners have been chosen

03-Sep-2013 - Germany

The six winners have been selected out of 150 entries. The decision was not easy due to the variety of the submitted themes. Photographers from 11 countries captured young researchers, quantum physicists, high-tech as well as historically laboratories or microscope pictures and histological sections in their photos.

The members of the panel were enthusiastic about the entries. "We are very satisfied that the competition motivated professionals and amateur photographers equally. All entries illustrate how fascinating the world of science is" says Barbara Knipper, responsible for the photo competition at Hahnemühle FineArt. "The images are real eye-catchers. Their beauty will be enhanced as large format fine art prints on our exclusive Hahnemühle inkjet paper in booths at the upcoming filtration fairs in 2013 and 2014."

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