Borealis sells nitric acid process technology to Casale

19-Jan-2015 - Austria

Borealis has divested a package of fertilizer process technologies and established a new technology partnership with Casale SA. The partnership will enable Borealis to focus on its core competencies of the production and distribution of high quality fertilizer products, while Casale will expand their portfolio of technologies for commercialisation.

Under the terms of the deal, Casale has acquired ownership of Borealis’ proprietary process technologies for the production of nitric acid, ammonium nitrate solution, urea ammonium nitrate and other technologies for different downstream fertilizer products including granulation technology. Casale will further develop the process technologies in close co-operation with Borealis.

“This partnership meets our objective to partner with a global engineering and technology leader who can leverage the maximum value of this fertilizer technology portfolio,” says Hubert Puchner, Borealis Vice President Business Development Base Chemicals. “Our fertilizer operations and product development will benefit from the synergies between Borealis’ core competencies, such as the production and distribution of high quality fertilizers, and Casale’s engineering and technology leadership.”

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