Biesterfeld enters the Brazilian Polymer Distribution Market

24-Apr-2015 - Brazil

With immediate effect Biesterfeld Simko Distribuição Ltda. has been appointed Key-Distributor in Brazil by DuPont´s Performance Polymer division, a long standing Partner for Biesterfeld Plastic GmbH across Europe. The DuPont product range of Engineering Polymers, Thermoplastic Elastomers and High Performance Rubber will be complemented with Chi Mei´s comprehensive product range of Styrene Copolymers such as ABS, SAN, ASA, SBS as well as PC, PMMA and PC-Blends. Chi Mei has been a partner for both Simko and Biesterfeld for more than 25 years.

With its headquarters in Sao Paulo and a local Sales office in Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, Biesterfeld Simko Distribuição Ltda. aims to become a major Distributor for Engineering Polymers, Elastomers, High Performance Rubber as well as Styrene Copolymers in the Brazilian market.

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