CEO of TER Chemicals Distribution Group leaves the company

08-Aug-2016 - Germany

Oliver Zimmermann, CEO of TER Chemicals Distribution Group, leaves the company by mutual consent and resigns from all of his executive managerial posts as of August 5, 2016. Andreas Früh from Pawlik Consultants supports the Managing Directors Christian Westphal and Thomas Sprock ad interim as required.

Based on opposing opinions on the strategic course of the corporation, Mr Christian Westphal and Mr Oliver Zimmermann have agreed that Mr Zimmermann will terminate his service agreement and resign from all of his appointed duties.

An interim solution is planned for the coming months. In this demanding phase, TER Chemicals was able to gain Mr Andreas Früh from Pawlik Consultants. He supports the board as advisor and has collected practical experience in his former roles as Managing Director at various companies within chemical distribution. The company is convinced that this is the right path for sustained success.

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