Enhanced Supply Critical as Refined Glycerine Gains Prominence Across New Application Sectors

19-Sep-2006 - United Kingdom

Novel applications are driving demand for refined glycerine across Europe. To leverage on growth opportunities, market participants will need to focus on improving glycerine refining capacity as well as actively seek new areas of deployment. Frost & Sullivan finds that the European Refined Glycerine Market earned revenues of EUR 188.0 million in 2006 and estimates this to reach EUR 261.2 million by 2013.

"The demand for refined glycerine is rising even as newer applications are being identified," says Frost & Sullivan Research Analyst Ms. Niranjana. "Glycerine is being used as a substitute for polyols besides finding deployment in food, personal care, pharmaceutical sectors and technical applications such as polyurethane and alkyd resins."

Currently, the market faces the key challenge of a glut in crude glycerine. Biodiesel production, coupled with oleo chemical processing, has resulted in an oversupply of crude glycerine across Europe. The imminent commissioning of more biodiesel projects is set to further erode prices of crude glycerine.

"While there exists significant demand for refined glycerine from end users, the process itself requires sizeable investments and expertise," says Ms. Niranjana. "Moreover, glycerine refining capacity is limited in Europe." Efforts will need to focus on optimally refining the abundant supply of crude glycerine and meeting the burgeoning demand from varied end applications.

If you are interested in a virtual brochure, which provides manufacturers, end users, and other industry participants with an overview of the latest analysis of the European Glycerine Market, please send an e-mail to Janina Hillgrub using the 'Contact' button below.

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