Which ICP-OES Optical Technology Offers Superior Performance: Echelle or ORCA?

The heart of any ICP-OES instrument is the optical system. So it’s important
that scientists, lab managers, and other users understand some salient facts
about a very critical component of these instruments. This knowledge will help
users choose the best spectrometer for their laboratory.
This paper explains the fundamental differences between the two leading optical
designs and discusses how each technology deals with technical challenges such
as light loss, stray light, spectral order overlaps, and others.
The paper also explains how each can potentially affect the outcome of various
analyses. Application examples and analytical results are included.
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Which ICP-OES Optical Technology Offers Superior Performance: Echelle or ORCA?
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Investigation with spectroscopy gives us unique insights into the composition and structure of materials. From UV-Vis spectroscopy to infrared and Raman spectroscopy to fluorescence and atomic absorption spectroscopy, spectroscopy offers us a wide range of analytical techniques to precisely characterize substances. Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of spectroscopy!

Topic World Spectroscopy
Investigation with spectroscopy gives us unique insights into the composition and structure of materials. From UV-Vis spectroscopy to infrared and Raman spectroscopy to fluorescence and atomic absorption spectroscopy, spectroscopy offers us a wide range of analytical techniques to precisely characterize substances. Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of spectroscopy!