About Gesellschaft für Analysentechnik HLS

Since inception in 1992, we offer sales, service and training of Analysenystemen globally recognized international manufacturer.

Our portfolio extends over devices and systems for spectroscopy, photometry and automatic sample processing to plant physiological measurement systems and quality management of fresh produce.

Competence and reliability are our self-image. They are a guarantee for superb service, which also includes individual solutions for complex applications depending on customer specifications.

With most device manufacturers we represent, for example, from the US and Australia, we have agreed exclusive rights for the German-speaking countries. For our customers this means that they not only have to take a German-speaking contact, but can rely primarily on fast, reliable support in case of need.

Facts about Gesellschaft für Analysentechnik HLS
  • Founding: 1992
  • Focus : Distributor
  • Employees: 1-10
  • Industry : Laboratory analysis / Laboratory measurement technology

Here you will find Gesellschaft für Analysentechnik HLS

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Topic world Photometry

Photometry, the measurement of light intensity in relation to interaction with molecules, is a key tool in chemistry and life sciences. It enables researchers to determine concentrations of substances in solutions, follow reaction kinetics or check the quality of samples and provides valuable data for analyses, from quality control in the laboratory to clinical diagnostics.

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Topic world Photometry

Topic world Photometry

Photometry, the measurement of light intensity in relation to interaction with molecules, is a key tool in chemistry and life sciences. It enables researchers to determine concentrations of substances in solutions, follow reaction kinetics or check the quality of samples and provides valuable data for analyses, from quality control in the laboratory to clinical diagnostics.

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Topic world Digestion

Sample digestion is a critical step in chemical analysis that often determines the success or failure of an investigation. It involves the targeted transformation and preparation of a sample to make the components of interest accessible for analysis. Various methods such as thermal, chemical or enzymatic digestion are used to dissolve matrix components, remove unwanted components and release target substances.

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Topic world Digestion

Topic world Digestion

Sample digestion is a critical step in chemical analysis that often determines the success or failure of an investigation. It involves the targeted transformation and preparation of a sample to make the components of interest accessible for analysis. Various methods such as thermal, chemical or enzymatic digestion are used to dissolve matrix components, remove unwanted components and release target substances.

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