THERMOCOAX offers its expertise in heating solutions and temperature measurement to leading companies within dedicated niche markets on a worldwide level with tailor made solutions. Scope

With more than 50 years experience in thermal solutions and temperature measurement, THERMOCOAX has acquired a great deal of skill and expertise that is endorsed by almost every demanding industry world-wide.

In order to merit the confidence of our clients and satisfy their needs, the THERMOCOAX attitude is simple: to foster a trusted partnership with its customers.

To ensure that this goal becomes reality, we have learnt to adapt to working within the constraints of very stringent applications, which are demanded by our customers, either for one off special projects or recurrent production.

Our success is based upon the skill of our staff. Highly qualified in-house specialists will offer professional advise and full technical assistance at every stage of your project.

You will be assigned a project leader, who will ensure that the full development of your product or application is managed to meet your exact requirements.

THERMOCOAX offers its expertise in heating solutions and temperature measurement to leading companies within dedicated niche markets on a worldwide level with tailor made solutions.

Facts about THERMOCOAX
  • Focus : Manufacturer
  • Industry : Production technology

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