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Cross fluid

A Cross fluid is a type of generalized Newtonian fluid whose viscosity depends upon shear rate according to the following equation:

\mu_{\operatorname{eff}}(\dot \gamma) = \frac {\mu_0}{1 + ({\frac {\mu_0 \dot \gamma} {\tau ^ *}})^{1-n}  }


\mu_{\operatorname{eff}}(\dot \gamma) is viscosity as a function of shear rate,
μ0, τ * and n are coefficients.

At low shear rate (\mu_0 \dot \gamma \ll \tau^*), cross fluids behave as Newtonian fluids and at high shear rate (\mu_0 \dot \gamma \gg \tau^*) as power-law fluids.

See also


  • Kennedy, P. K., Flow Analysis of Injection Molds. New York. Hanser. ISBN 1569901813
This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Cross_fluid". A list of authors is available in Wikipedia.
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