Randy G. Woelfel To Become New NOVA Chemicals CEO

21-Oct-2009 - Canada

NOVA Chemicals announced that Randy Woelfel has joined the company and will become its Chief Executive Officer. Woelfel will replace Christopher D. Pappas who earlier announced his retirement.

Woelfel began his career with Shell Oil Company in 1977, and was a key member of the team which helped create Montell Polyolefins in 1995 - today part of LyondellBasell. He subsequently held the positions of President Basell International and President Basell North America. Most recently, Woelfel was Managing Director Energy at the Houston Technology Center and President of bioplastics developer Cereplast, Inc. Woelfel earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering from Rice University and a Masters in Management from MIT’s Sloan School of Business.

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