Orica appoints two new Directors

15-Jul-2010 - Australia

Orica announced the appointment of Mr Lim Chee Onn and Mr Ian Cockerill as non-executive directors effective 12 July 2010.

Mr Lim, a Singapore resident, is currently Chairman, Singbridge International Singapore Pte Ltd. He was the Executive Chairman, Keppel Corporation Ltd from 1 January 2001 to 31 December 2009 and is now Senior Advisor to Keppel Corporation Ltd. Mr Lim sits on the Board of the Monetary Authority of Singapore and is Alternate Member, Council of Presidential Advisers, Singapore.

Mr Cockerill, a South African resident, has 32 years experience in the mining industry, and is currently Chairman, Petmin Limited, a listed mining company on the Johannesburg Securities Exchange and the London Stock Exchange's Alternative Investment Market. He was the Chief Executive of Anglo Coal and prior to that Gold Fields Limited. He has also held executive positions with AngloGold Ashanti and Anglo American Group. He is also chairman of the Leadership for Conservation in Africa, a not-for-profit initiative in partnership with the South African Parks Board, global business leaders and the International Union for Conservation of Nature, whose aim is to “stimulate conservation and lead sustainable development across the African continent”

Mr Lim and Mr Cockerill will both offer themselves for reappointment by shareholders at the next Orica Limited Annual General Meeting,” Mr Duncan said.

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