BASF invests in U.S. technology company QD Vision

11-Nov-2015 - USA

BASF is participating with $4 million through BASF Venture Capital in the U.S. technology firm QD Vision Inc., Lexington, Massachusetts. QD Vision is a technology leader for quantum dots, a class of nanomaterials with unique electro-optical properties and a wide range of applications in display, lighting, photo-voltaic, sensors, and diagnostics.

The two companies also announced a joint development agreement for a quantum dot-enhanced backlight and a color filter for use in LCD displays. The collaboration responds to a growing demand for wide color gamut technologies. Wide color gamut technology will enable displays to show millions more colors than today’s Ultra High-Definition (UHD) or 4K displays.

“QD Vision’s products allow an unmatched LCD viewing experience with significantly lower energy consumption. We expect that the innovation will find widespread application in next generation LCD devices,” said Dirk Nachtigal, Managing Director at BASF Venture Capital.

“The fact that current standard LCD technology is capable of displaying only around a third of the colors a human eye can see indicates the improvement potential in this field. Combining QD Vision’s Color IQ technology with BASF’s competencies in color filters will allow us to jointly develop advanced display materials matching next generation display color standards,” said Jeff Knight, Senior Vice President Dispersions and Pigments Asia Pacific at BASF and responsible for BASF’s Electronic Specialties business.

QD Vision will use the investment to further increase its global customer base and to extend its portfolio of advanced color solutions for its customers.

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