Sigma-Aldrich and MorphoSys Enter Into a Collaboration and Licensing Agreement for Recombinant Research Antibodies

AbD Serotec will use proprietary technology to generate antibodies against novel research targets provided by Sigma-Aldrich


Sigma-Aldrich and MorphoSys AG announced a collaboration agreement to design, produce and distribute unique recombinant research antibodies using MorphoSys's proprietary HuCAL GOLD(R) technology. MorphoSys's AbD Serotec unit will develop and qualify unique antibodies from MorphoSys's proprietary HuCAL GOLD library against a committed number of targets identified and supplied by Sigma-Aldrich.

"We are very excited about the potential of this partnership," said Dr. David Smoller, president of Sigma-Aldrich's Research Biotech business unit. "HuCAL-based recombinant antibody technology will allow researchers access to antibody content not available through standard antibody generation technologies. In conjunction with Sigma-Aldrich's standard content generation capabilities, this powerful technology is expected to allow the community to reach its goal of a binder for every gene and one-day even protein in the human body."

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