Discover 2.0
Fastest microwave synthesis with lots of power for shortest reaction time

The Discover® 2.0 is the premier microwave reactor for performing any organic or inorganic synthetic chemistry. Featuring a best-in-class 300 mL single-mode microwave cavity and intuitive software with a 10" touchscreen interface, it is possible to program a reaction in seconds and achieve the best synthetic yield in minutes.
- Widest pressurized vessel sizes for a single-mode microwave - 10mL, 35mL, 100mL
- IR Temperature Sensor that sees through glass and Teflon® (iWave®)
- Vent and reseal technology for safe handling of over-pressurization (ActiVent)
- Variable speed magnetic stirring and rapid compressed air cooling
- Upgrade options: Autosamplers - 12/48 positions; Gaseous Addition, Sub-ambient temperature, Flow cells
Use The Widest Range of Sealed Vessels Available
Discover 2.0 offers the widest range of high-temperature, high-pressure sealed reaction vessels, standard. Perform pressurized reactions in either 10, 35, or 100 mL vials. Alternatively, run non-pressurized, open vessel reactions in standard laboratory glassware up to a 125 mL round-bottom flask. If your chemistry etches glass (HF or strong inorganic bases), use a silicon carbide vessel or even disposable Teflon®liners to get the best results.
Observe Your Reaction
The 5 megapixel camera included standard with the Discover 2.0 can be used to record still images or video footage of reactions. Observation is a basic part of science, and this is the perfect tool for documentation and publication support.
Intuitive Software For Any Chemist
Fully customizable methods and cycles for any synthetic chemistry. User level access with full password protection and complete audit trail traceability. Method import reduces programming errors and allows easy access to niche chemistries.
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Microwave synthesizers: Discover 2.0
Fastest microwave synthesis with lots of power for shortest reaction time
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Topic world Synthesis
Chemical synthesis is at the heart of modern chemistry and enables the targeted production of molecules with specific properties. By combining starting materials in defined reaction conditions, chemists can create a wide range of compounds, from simple molecules to complex active ingredients.

Topic world Synthesis
Chemical synthesis is at the heart of modern chemistry and enables the targeted production of molecules with specific properties. By combining starting materials in defined reaction conditions, chemists can create a wide range of compounds, from simple molecules to complex active ingredients.