SPECTRO Analytical Instruments


Surprising New Capabilities of ED-XRF Technology

SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH


Ongoing innovations in energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence technology have revolutionized what were once regarded as relatively undeveloped analyzers with serious performance limitations.

That’s all changed. Today, advanced ED-XRF spectrometers can offer effective elemental measurement solutions for a wide array of both routine and challenging real-world analytical applications. These include petrochemicals, chemicals, environmental and geological samples, clinker/cement/slag, cosmetics, food, pharmaceuticals, and many more.

That, in brief, is the conclusion of this special white paper, which presents the views of three noted experts with wide experience in applied spectrometric analysis. Dr. Joachim Heckel is now senior consultant and formerly director of research and development for SPECTRO in Kleve, Germany. Alexander Seyfarth is Global XRF Technology Manager for SGS Minerals Group Canada, which is located in Lakefield, Ontario. Mario Van Driessche is the owner of X-Ray Services BV, and a consultant on spectroscopic analysis for the petrochemical and automotive industries as well as for analytical instrument makers, in Ertvelde, Belgium.

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Surprising New Capabilities of ED-XRF Technology


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