Moisture and Dry Content Determination in Paints

Mettler-Toledo GmbH

Ensure High Quality Paint with Fast and Accurate Measurements

Dry or moisture content determination plays a critical role in the quality and consistency of all types of paints. In solvent-based paints, moisture is typically referred to as volatile organic content (VOC). In water-based paints and emulsions, the critical parameter is the evaluation of dry content.

In this application note, you will learn:

Why dry content or VOC is important for paints.

How to use the HX204 for fast and easy moisture content determination.

A tried and tested method for measuring moisture in different types of paints.

How the results from a halogen moisture analyzer compare to the drying oven method.

Download our free application note to see how you can improve efficiency and productivity using a halogen moisture analyzer to measure moisture content in paints.

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Moisture and Dry Content Determination in Paints

Ensure High Quality Paint with Fast and Accurate Measurements