4 Hydrolysis Companies From Around The World

Tip: Select a quick entry below to view selected hydrolysis companies by industry.

4 Hydrolysis Companies From Around The World

Tip: Select a quick entry below to view selected hydrolysis companies by industry.

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Mars 6

Mars 6 by CEM

Everything under Control - with This Intelligent Microwave Digestion System

High Sample Throughput with Just One Click

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HYDROTHERM by C. Gerhardt

Efficiency in food analysis: Safe and precise total fat determination made easy

Fully automatic acid hydrolysis in 90 minutes - validated for continuous operation

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200 °C in 15 min, and cooled down again even faster – that’s state-of-the-art microwave digestion

Prepare samples for elemental analysis quickly and safely

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Stainless steel reactors for high pressures and vacuum

Stainless steel reactors for high pressures and vacuum by JUCHHEIM Laborgeräte

Customized stainless steel reactors - configured for your needs

Perfect for extraction, digestion, hydrolysis, hydrogenation or synthesis


turboWAVE® by MLS

Laboratory innovation: TurboWAVE-20 for fast and silent sample digestion

Benefit from lower operating costs thanks to innovative modular technology

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