Evotec AG announces multi-year agreement with The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

07-May-2012 - USA

Evotec AG announced that Evotec has entered into a multi-year compound management agreement with the United States EPA. The contract covers a period of five years and has a total value of up to EUR7.7 million (approx. USD 10 million).

Under the agreement Evotec, through its San Francisco operations, will provide chemical procurement, analysis, sample preparation, and management services in support of the EPA's National Computational Center for Toxicology (NCCT). Services provided will support bioactivity profiling of the EPA's ToxCast(TM) (Prioritization of Environmentally Relevant Chemicals) Compound Library.

Dr Mario Polywka, Chief Operating Officer of Evotec, commented: "We are very pleased that the United States EPA has again chosen Evotec to manage its compound collection in support of the National Computational Center for Toxicology (NCCT). This follows from our initial contract with the EPA signed in 2007. Providing key, efficient scientific infrastructures such as Compound Management is a key element of Evotec Execute and we look forward to supporting the EPA's ongoing effort to predict potential toxicity of environmental chemicals. This contract provides further long-term revenue and profitability for Evotec's important compound management services in San Francisco which was acquired from BioFocus in 2011."

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