Avecia and Copperhead Chemical Company announce the sale / acquisition of Avecia's Special Drug Mixtures Business


Avecia Group Plc of Manchester, England and Copperhead Chemical Company of Tamaqua, Pennsylvania jointly announce that Copperhead has acquired Avecia's Special Drug Mixtures (SDM) business. Details of the transaction were not disclosed.

The SDM business is centered on a line of standard and custom nitroglycerin mixtures used in the treatment of angina and congestive heart failure.

"Copperhead Chemical is the exclusive manufacturer of the active ingredient nitroglycerin used by the SDM business, and this acquisition will bring us closer to the customer base that we have served indirectly for many years" said Eric Brooks, president of Copperhead Chemical.

"The acquisition of the SDM business is a natural fit for our company and will be a seamless transition for customers".

In addition to the SDM business, Copperhead is a cGMP custom manufacturer of various specialty products including microencapsulated food ingredients and specialty laboratory chemicals.

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