Air Products and thyssenkrupp Sign Exclusive Strategic Cooperation Agreement

World-Scale Electrolysis Plants to Generate Green Hydrogen

07-Jul-2020 - USA

Air Products and thyssenkrupp Uhde Chlorine Engineers announced the signing of a Strategic Cooperation Agreement (SCA). The two companies will collaborate exclusively in key regions, using their complementary technology, engineering and project execution strengths to develop projects supplying green hydrogen.

thyssenkrupp will deliver its technology and supply specific engineering, equipment and technical services for water electrolysis plants to be built, owned and operated by Air Products. The collaboration leverages thyssenkrupp’s technology supporting Air Products’ development of green hydrogen as an energy carrier for sustainable transportation, chemicals and power generation.

“The SCA with thyssenkrupp is an important element of our value chain in developing, building, owning and operating world-scale projects and supplying green hydrogen for mobility, energy and industrial applications. We look forward to applying our complementary strengths and delivering substantial sustainability benefits through transformational green hydrogen projects,” said Dr. Samir J. Serhan, Chief Operating Officer at Air Products.

“We are proud to cooperate with Air Products in making value chains for fuels, chemicals, and industry feedstocks sustainable. Large-scale electrolysis is the key technology to connect renewable power to the different sectors of mobility and industry. As a world market leader in electrolysis we bring in both: technology and production capacity at scale. Already today, we are set to supply one gigawatt for water electrolysis plants per year, and we are prepared to ramp up the capacity in this rapidly evolving market,” said Denis Krude, CEO at thyssenkrupp Uhde Chlorine Engineers.

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