ICIS Announces It Has Acquired Chemical Data

It is a perfect fit

15-Jul-2020 - United Kingdom

ICIS, part of RELX, today announced it has acquired Chemical Data, LLC (CDI), a leading provider of US petrochemical price benchmarks, market analysis, and predictive analytics, based in Houston. The combined capabilities create a global presence and trusted intelligence in key petrochemical markets worldwide.

Established in 1979, CDI has more than 40 years of experience in supporting transactional and short-term planning decisions in the US petrochemical sector. Petrochemicals are a critical part of the global supply chain and are present in 96% of all manufactured goods. The chemicals industry itself adds $1.1 trillion to the world's GDP*. The combination of the two businesses will deliver global price benchmark data, market analysis, forecasts, and thought leadership capabilities that are trusted and differentiated. This will enable customers to make better-informed and timely decisions, which is of increasing importance in periods of extreme volatility when consumer demands and market dynamics shift rapidly.

Dean Curtis, CEO & President of ICIS, said: "We are focused on providing our customers in the global chemical industry with the highest quality data, analytics and insight. This will connect the market and enable smarter decisions that ultimately optimise the use of the world's valuable resources. CDI is widely recognised as a leader in the US petrochemical segment. By joining CDI's expertise with ICIS' leading presence in Europe and Asia, we can provide customers with an extensive, robust and comprehensive view of key global petrochemical markets."

"We are delighted to welcome CDI to the RELX family. It is a world-class team which brings market relationships and deep understanding of the US petrochemical and plastics sector. Combining CDI with ICIS brings us closer to delivering our goal of empowering our customers' decision making with the most timely, relevant information across the chemical industry," Curtis said.

Jason Brown, CDI President, said: "It is a perfect fit. ICIS is an established provider of price benchmarks in several European and Asian petrochemicals segments and CDI has equivalent positions in the US. For decades, both companies have been the backbone of thousands of transactions around the world, and our strategies and beliefs in the future of this critical market are closely aligned. Combining our deep expertise in our respective regions will bring significant benefits to our customers around the world as well as the broader industry."

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