Global Bio-Based Chemicals Market Trends Reviewed in New SBI Report

13-Sep-2012 - United Kingdom

Following a steady and solid growth in the past few years, helped along by stabilization in glycerin prices, the bio-based chemicals market reached a value of USD 3.6 billion in 2011.

Over the forecast period, steady sales for lactic acid and biopolymers are supposed to act as stable drivers for the bio-based chemicals market. At large, the overall growth of the market greatly depends on the continued adoption of biodiesel to provide steady glycerin production and the market growth of new glycerin-based intermediate chemicals. By 2021, the bio-based chemicals market is predicted to be worth USD 12.2 billion, accounting for 25.4 billion pounds of bio-based chemical production at the end of the decade.

New research report “The World Market for Bio-Based Chemicals, 2nd Edition” developed by SBI provides true and unprejudiced insights into the current state and future of the global market for bio-based chemicals, with a particular focus on the U.S., Europe and Asia. It features definitions, current product offerings and market detail on the key segments. The report also examines the key drivers behind the bio-based chemical market growth, with a look at the industries that make use of bio-based chemicals for their end products, particularly bioplastics, surfactants, solvents and adhesives.

Market segments discussed include: glycerin, including both raw and refined products; lactic acid, its salts and esters (i.e. lactide and other derivatives); bio-based polymers used to form plastics; other industrial organic acids, amino acids and organic compounds made from bio-based feedstocks and used as precursors for the production of other chemicals.

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