German Brand Award 2017 for Berghof

30-Jun-2017 - Germany

“Excellence in Brand Strategy, Management and Creation” – the Berghof Group is recognized for its successful branding with the German Brand Award 2017

Lutz Sternstein

German Brand Award 2017 for Berghof, accepted by Katrin Wenke & Eva Schekorr from wenkerottke.

The corporate group’s online presence was awarded first prize for “Brand Campaign – Web & Mobile” in Berlin on June 29, 2017. Katrin Wenke, managing director of wenkerottke. communication agency and art director Eva Schekorr accepted the award in the name of the Berghof Group.

The German Brand Award, initiated by the German Design Council, recognizes successful branding in Germany. It is awarded in three categories: “Excellence in Branding”, “Industry Excellence in Branding” and “Excellence in Brand Strategy, Management and Creation”.

Only those companies which have been nominated by the German Brand Institute and its brand scouts and expert committees may participate in the competition. The awards are made by an independent jury of branding experts in various sectors.

The German Design Council - as the initiator - is an independent and international institution that supports companies in effectively communicating design competence and, at the same time, aims to strengthen pubic understanding of design. Set in motion by the German Parliament and established as a foundation by the Federation of German Industries and leading companies in 1953, its aim is to promote design and brands.

The competition is awarded by the German Brand Institute whose mission is to strengthen brands as a deciding factor in corporate success in a national and international competitive environment. The German Brand Award is the foundation’s unique recognition of outstanding branding.

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