PerkinElmer Completes Acquisition of Euroscreen Products SA And Evotec Technologies


PerkinElmer, Inc. reported that it has successfully completed two previously announced acquisitions that will extend its portfolio of advanced tools for cellular analysis and High Content Screening (HCS). In the fourth quarter of 2006, the Company announced its intent to acquire Euroscreen Products S.A., the Gosselies, and Hamburg, Germany-based Evotec Technologies.

"The addition of Euroscreen Products' advanced GPCR technology and Evotec Technologies' highly regarded HCS systems to PerkinElmer's current portfolio enables us to offer our biopharma customers a comprehensive solution in advanced cellular imaging, screening and analysis," said Robert F. Friel, president, PerkinElmer Life and Analytical Sciences.

Ongoing revenue of the combined entities was approximately US$25 million in 2006, and both acquisitions are expected to be neutral to slightly accretive to the Company's 2007 earnings per share.

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